Hell Ride – Dec 27th 2016

Hey Team …. a bit more to my “hellride” on Dec 27th 2016 where I took a bit over 6hrs to ride 124km.

Here is a great video from one of the guys on the ride that day …. I was on the back of the Harcourt Team guys for about the first 18k and got popped just before Dayboro after I dropped my chain for the second time and the leg days in the gym kicked in.

Patrick (the guy talking) rode the climb in 16min 12secs ….. to put it into perspective it took me almost double that on this day after I popped. My best effort for this section of the climb is 20mins flat and my son Jason has hit it in 16mins flat.

The part I want you to watch starts at 10min 20secs into the video where you see the difference between good cyclists and a Pro Cyclist …. as a U23 champion comes blasting by.

Hope you enjoy it and thanks Patrick for a great clip.