Altra Zero Drop – Superior

    Hey Team …. just wanted to add another great test of the Altra Zero Drop Superiors.  Aside from being a great off road shoe which we have posted about before, I had the chance to give the Superior a great urban test on friday night during the 3hr City Raid here in Brisbane. The City Raid is an urban challenge in the style of The Great Race. It involves running around the CBD of Bris Vegas collecting checkpoints and completing challenges for extra points. Check it out at Dare You Adventure.

Now the hard paved city streets is not the environment where you would expect a trail shoe to shine ….. but the Superiors were just fantastic. Their light feather weight and enormous flexibility proved to be the perfect combo for fast urban running across a variety of paths and kerbs. I spent over 3 hrs hammering these babies around this urban environment and my feet were just fine. Normally a few hours of running on city streets would leave me a little sore underfoot but not this time. The Superiors were fantastic and proved their shock absorbing ability again. Add to this that once again I wore my Injinji Performance Socks and you have a combo that will let you focus on your task without the hassle of what going on down below.

Huge thanks to Altra Zero Drop Shoes and Paul and Narelle from Injinji Performance Products for their support.